*) Softdep was put there on purpose, because this is most probably how the mount will be done by most of the users.

*) My intention was simply to find out how those combinations will work on my system in the way that I would (from my knowledge so far) configure them - any advice on how to improve this (my) setup is very welcome, I'm actually happy to learn.

*) Lies, benchmarks, statistics - sure, no arguing here; that's why I made my own ;)

I've often seen questions from people who try to improve their disk or network speed (me too of course). So I was just curious and tried out some things, maybe someone else might find this useful. Or add some hints on how to improve.

Again, any advice is very welcome.


Marco Peereboom wrote:
You defeated read ahead with your RAID test and found out that kernel
crypto is slow.  Oh and you tested softdep pretty well too because that
is what you were trying to measure, right?

Lies, damn lies and benchmarks...

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