I am warning you ahead that some of this may be braindead simple or
trivial for some of you but
I am still sending this because many of you will benefit by this mail.

Here is what I did with my portable Sandisk mp3 player.

I have a strange problem.

I am a devout Hindu and I want to listen to Vedic chants every
morning. But now I live in a place far away
from my office.

So I wanted a way to listen to these slokas/mantras from my home.

Then I remembered that I had an old Sandisk pocket size mp3 player
lying idle with me.

I connected it to my USB port and OpenBSD recognized as:

umass0 at uhub0 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "SanDisk SDMX1 MP3
Player" rev 2.00/1.00 addr 2
umass0: using SCSI over Bulk-Only
scsibus0 at umass0: 2 targets, initiator 0
sd0 at scsibus0 targ 1 lun 0: <SanDisk, SDMX1 MP3 Player, 1.13> SCSI0
0/direct removable
sd0: 486MB, 512 bytes/sec, 995328 sec total

No, this was not the first time.

There was something wrong with my hub. And I had to try it few times.

Anyway once I got this far,

I created an fdisk partition.

# fdisk -e sd0
I created a FAT32 file system on it(ID 06).

Then disklabel would still give a weird output. I expected to see sd0i
as is the case with
the 0B file system ID.

First time I got it wrong. The player did not recognize my file system.

Then I got it right with this command.

# newfs_msdos /dev/sd0c

Now disklabel behaves itself. ;)

Mount it with

# mount /dev/sd0i /mnt

Copy all the mp3 files.

I converted to mp3 from flash videos using

$ ffmpeg -i foo.flv foo.mp3

Copy files to mp3 player.

# cp *mp3 /mnt
# cd
# umount /mnt

Disconnect and enjoy. ;)

When I ran into the format issue wikipedia helped and told me what
file system format I am supposed to use in mp3 players.

This morning when I listened to my Vedic chants I thought:

"Can't I just concatenate the three mantras rudram, chamakam and
purushasuktam mp3 files?"

That is what I did just now.

$ mp3cat rudram.mp3 chamakam.mp3 purushasuktam.mp3 --output=prayer.mp3

Now I can pray during my long town bus journey from home to office in
Chennai. ;)

Hopefully these tips will help some of you.

Thanks to OpenBSD and its great developers!

Ever yours,

Gayatri Hitech
web: http://gayatri-hitech.com

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