On 2009-11-23, Mateusz Gierblinski <mateusz.gierblin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm playing around with some security tools and I would like to test out the
> dsniff package.

set PKG_PATH, for example to

export PKG_PATH=ftp://some.mirror/pub/OpenBSD/`uname -r`/packages/`arch -s`/

(or replace `uname -r` with snapshots if you use -current).

Then: sudo pkg_add -i dsniff

> I have tried to install dsniff using ports

there is no point, on OpenBSD you never install anything from the port
directly, always from the package, and these are already built for you.

if you're hacking on the ports tree, modifying things yourself, or if
you're using something we can't provide as a package, then there's a
point in using ports. otherwise it's a waste of time.

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