On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 10:05 PM, Andre Keller <a...@ak.cx> wrote:
> Hi
> well I just did a installation of 4.6 and tried the bgplg thingy.
> it took me 4 steps:
> bgpd -r /var/www/logs/bgpd.rsock
> chmod 0555 /var/www/bin/bgpctl
> chmod 0555 /var/www/cgi-bin/bgplg
> httpd
> Did you do anything else? (Playing with permissions f.e.?)
> Maybe you broke something while making ping / traceroute work...

No, I just install and followed manual.
What I don't undertand, why ping, traceroute and show version is ok,
and anything else is failed (if it's via web).
And if via bgplgsh (CLI) the whole thing is ok.


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