Dear All,

This is not really a question but an observation that I made which 
might be useful to others so I would like to share with you.

On several occasions people have noticed that Opera is freezing on kernel. Some people were quick to blame OpenBSD multi-treading 
code and memory management. I claim that is not the case.

I was just able to run Opera 9.64 on 4.5 i-386 stable using 
kernel for many hours without any problems. 

The trick to do the following. When you start Opera for the first time
by default you will be redirected to Opera web-site and the browser
will freeze within 10-20 second. Kill it manually by listing associated
processes. Then restart the Opera and this time the browser will ask you
before starting if you want to start from the last time, home page, or 
blank page. Chose to start with the blank page. Go immediately to 
preferences and open advance preferences. Go to History. I have turned 
off memory cache and use only disk cache which I chose to empty on 
exit. Then I went to content and the only thing I am enabling is 
animated images and Java Script. I also accept cookies only from sites
I visit and delete them when I exit Opera. I also mask appearance as 
Firefox. I personally have disabled Wan password manager.

With those couple choices I was able to run Opera couple hours without
a hitch. I did NOT use http proxy!!! I have not tried to use its email 
client or IRC client so you will have to play with it and see if it 
works. I have no interest in Opera e-mail client am I am a happy user of
Hairloom mailx. I almost never use IRC but when I use it is usually sic
IRC client. 

Predrag Punosevac

P.S. Hopefully people will be now able to use Opera on multicore 
machines which run i386. Note also that Opera 10.10 in current has
build in spell checker so it is a complete solution for people who
are disillusioned with Firefox. 

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