On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 4:07 AM, Robert <rob...@openbsd.pap.st> wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Nov 2009 07:44:23 +1100
> "Rod Whitworth" <glis...@witworx.com> wrote:
>> I don't think that he <decided> to put it there. That is where a clean
>> install puts it.
> Oh, i see, my bad.
>> Have a look at your own machine.
> Not there, my upgrades handle some directories differently, eg. /var/www
> does not get stuff that i dont need put into it.
> Your point still stands.
>> You should see:
>> $ ls -l /var/www/bin/bgpctl
>> ----------  1 root  bin  197324 Mar  1  2009 /var/www/bin/bgpctl
>> Note that there are no permissions by default but I got the OP to ls
>> -l that file to make sure he had enabled them as required. He has.
> Apart from that, one should invoke the damn command with the correct
> path, which in this case is just /bin/. :)

Well gentlemen...
Right now, it looks like my bgplg has been running well, because of my
mistake that is the running of bgpd_flags in two places.

1. The bgpd_flags that is running via /etc/rc.conf.local
(bgpd_flags="-r /var/www/logs/bgpd.rsock" -> exactly like described in
the man pages).
2. Had been running too in /etc/rc.conf (bgpd_flags="").

Thanks for your kindly help, wasting your time and lot of patience
spare around here.


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