
I'm experiencing a strange behavior since latest OpenBSD 4.6 current update 

My prefixes are not announced anymore.

OpenBGPd config:

AS 49463
holdtime 90
holdtime min 3
fib-update yes
log updates
network 2001:7a8:820::/44

neighbor 2001:7a8:1:9ff2::1 {
        remote-as       13193
        # remote-as       35830
        descr           nerim-ipv6-bgp-peer
        local-address       2001:7a8:1:9ff2::2
        holdtime        30
        holdtime min        3
        announce        self
        announce IPv6       unicast
        announce IPv4       none
        set localpref       200


I get those messages in /var/log/messages

Dec  4 12:00:21 bgpgw-001 bgpd[20852]: generation of bgp path attributes failed
Dec  4 12:01:22 bgpgw-001 bgpd[20852]: generation of bgp path attributes failed
Dec  4 12:03:26 bgpgw-001 last message repeated 2078 times

Do anyone have a clue about it ?

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