On Sun, Dec 06, 2009 at 04:45:12PM +0700, Insan Praja SW wrote:
> Hi Misc@,
> Just updating my router to current, BGPd failed to start with the
> following messages:
> $ tail -f /var/log/messages
> Dec  6 16:25:03 GreenRouter-JKT01 /bsd: root on wd0a swap on wd0b
> dump on wd0b
> Dec  6 16:25:02 GreenRouter-JKT01 savecore: no core dump
> Dec  6 16:25:07 GreenRouter-JKT01 bgpd[29261]: fatal in parent:
> socket: Protocol not supported
> Dec  6 16:26:48 GreenRouter-JKT01 bgpd[1371]: fatal in parent:
> socket: Protocol not supported
> Dec  6 16:27:15 GreenRouter-JKT01 bgpd[13894]: fatal in parent:
> socket: Protocol not supported

Fixed in -current. rev 1.242 of parse.y

:wq Claudio

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