On Wed, Dec 09, 2009 at 07:26:39PM +0100, Christopher Zimmermann wrote:
> I'm quite new to OpenBSD, but I already read a few "NEW:" 
> and "UPDATED:" announcements on the -ports mailing list.

misc != ports
> The only problem is the advocacy list is quite dead. So the 
> decision to post the announcement of ComixWall to the misc 
> list does not seem too stupid to me.

ComixWall != OpenBSD

> > Do we see release announcements on our lists for Firefox?
> comixwall is developed to make using OpenBSD easier. It's 

How does the announcement of new releases for ComixWall help OpenBSD?

How does abstraction of arguably the cleanest, easiest to learn UNIX,
help OpenBSD?

> According to the archives at MARC there were exactly two 
> release announcements of comixwall on this list. One in 2008 
> and one in 2009. This is not exactly the amount it takes to 
> pollute a mailing list.

That doesn't make it right.

> This stupid thread did already produce enough noise to make 
> up for 7 years of comixwall release announcements.

Pat yourself on the back.
> I know I just added some additional noise, still I would be 
> glad to see this issue settled in a non-destructive way.

It is settled.  You're whining.

> OpenBSD is a great OS and ComixWall enables many people to 
> use it. I don't see any reason why the two projects should 
> not be able to cooperate.

Because they are not "cooperative" projects.  OpenBSD doesn't need
ComixWall.  OpenBSD is Free, Functional and Secure(*).

(*) And easy.

Jason Dixon
DixonGroup Consulting

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