On 11:33, Wed 09 Dec 09, Andres Salazar wrote:
> Hello,
> For some reason I cannot get this to work properly... We have a
> 1Megabyte/sec connection, and I want this box to be capped at up to
> 200KiloBytes/sec .
> However everytime I try, it just always ends up using the entire link.
> If I modify it to 1Kb , it ends up using around 80Kilobytes/sec .

You are not attaching the queues to any rule in your ruleset.
The queues are there, but unused.

Check for yourself with pfctl -vvvsq


Michiel van Baak
GnuPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x71C946BD

"Why is it drug addicts and computer aficionados are both called users?"

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