I don't, and many times we don't have the luxury of having such
examples or data. I'm in a different kind of real-world situation: I'm
setting up a database server on a 4-core machine that is going to
carry a heavy load -- it's performance will be critical to the success
of the project -- and I need to choose the OS that gives me the best
chance of meeting my performance and stability requirements. Since the
database will be large, I'd really like to get this right the first
time and don't have the time to do experiments/benchmarking to guide
me. That's why I'm asking questions, hopefully to improve the
probability of getting this right.


I am not sure what database you will use, either ProgreSQL or MySQL. or something different.

You do not specify if your database applications will do heavy updates, or heavy read, two different approaches to the problem and can be solved differently as well. You do not say either what you defined as heavy either.

I have been using database on OpenBSD for 11 years now and yes I do heavy access as well as updates on it without issue. You can even find trace of this in archives for years back and many suggestions to improve the setup witch is overlook most of the time by to many. Both database operations are different, one can benefit from threads more, the other operate better without. Not really a multiple cores issues here.

And yes heavy load in my book is not define only as a small 100K query per hours either, nor one million would be consider to heavy either.

So, what's heavy for you may be just simple routine for others and no, I do not miss the fine lock either yet anyway. Would be nice, but really, I haven't run into it's need for me anyway yet.

Now if you have to do this project and want it right and aid you don't have the time to do it right, or experiment to make it right, I would really questions your reason here. Do you expect others to do the work for you? No offense intended, but if you want it right, wouldn't you think at a minimum you need to take the time to make it right and test it. If this is how you do things really, as a side note, I sure wouldn't want you to work for me for sure. How could I trust you to do it right if you don't even want to test it and spec what you need to start with?

Again, I don't mean to offend you, so if that does it, I am sorry for that, but I put it for your thoughts process and suggest to do your homework, not be a manager type form the start and try to find someone else to blame before you get started on your project in case it goes wrong and then jump to take all the credit if it does right oppose to give it to the one that would tell you all how to do it.

Make sense no?

Any just to make sure you understand it. You come and asked this, then justify it by saying its heavy and need fine lock, but still you do not put forward anything for anyone to tell you if yes or no it make sense for the load you expect, or that database of choice you want to use, but just to try to push your point forward and see if anyone would bite and do the work for you.

There is a lots of heavy users of database on this list and none complains not having fine lock. In some extreme cases, yes it may be helpful, but again replications for example for pretty darn heavy query is very simple to do and I can tell you that you would be hard press to run out of capacity.

All depend on what you define as heavy and what you do.

Hope this provide you some food for thoughts.



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