ETHER=em0 BRIDGE=bridge0 qemu-system-x86_64 -no-fd-bootchk -hda boot.img -hdb 
1.img -hdc 2.img -hdd 3.img -net nic,model=rtl8139 -net tap -nographic -serial 

don't use kqemu; it simply doesn't work right.

On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 08:28:04AM +1100, Sam Watkins wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 02:53:48PM -0600, wrote:
> > huh? many of us are using qemu on their laptops to hack on openbsd.
> > i'm not doing this, and i doubt any of the others does.
> > Yup, me neither need this to run OpenBSD on qemu...
> Ok that's good!  It makes a big difference for me and some others
> though.  How do you invoke what version of qemu?  I am using qemu
> 0.11.1 with kqemu (not kvm).  It also occurs I think with plain
> qemu (no kqemu).  As I understand the problem (broken networking)
> occurs when a newish qemu is combined with a newish openbsd, and
> it also occurs with netbsd (if acpi or smp is enabled).
> Sam

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