On Thu, 24 Dec 2009 20:34:57 +0100
frantisek holop <min...@obiit.org> wrote:

> hmm, on Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 01:50:24PM +0100, Robert said that
> > Let me rephrase and remove disklabel from the question:
> > What would break if slices don't start on a cylinder boundary?
> probably nothing if you will use the slices only exclusively
> with openbsd.  other systems might make different assumptions.
> -f

Yeah, didn't find anything apart of some old sparc related stuff, so i
guess that there is only historical reason for rounding to cyl on amd64.
On current harddisk the cyl/track stuff is all virtual.

Still, if someone wants to enlighten me what still needs the cyl
rounding ...

- Robert

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