hmm, on Fri, Dec 25, 2009 at 07:44:45PM +0100, Jan Stary said that
> make sure the disk itself is OK
> before blaming anything higher up.
> (e.g., read the entire disk with dd)

openbsd's fsck goes through with no problems.

eventually i managed to get e2fsck through as well:
i made a script to touch a file every 9 seconds
so the disk doesn't spin down and for some reason
e2fsck finished.  but i am not convinced this is
the actual reason, e2fsck was never idle for 10s
in the first place, it was reading through the disk
after all.  and if there were problems spinning
up the disk, i am sure dmesg or some other layer
of the system would have told me.

i am far beyond the point of pointing fingers
(disk, OS, etc), i just want it to work deterministically,
so my mails to misc don't look like dali paintings.

if it has errors, i should see them being reported.
if not, it should work.   i am somewhere inbetween.

> > and sits there doing nothing.)
> "nothing" meaning which process state, really?


whatever you are, be a good one. -- abraham lincoln.

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