On Wed, 30 Dec 2009, Christian Weisgerber wrote:

Toni Mueller <openbsd-m...@oeko.net> wrote:

I have now discovered that I overlooked the setting of /usr/local/lib
in /etc/rc. But it seems to mean that I have to re-run ldconfig
every time I install a new shared library, or programs depending on it
won't find it.

Note that if you install a port/package, this is automatically taken
care of.

Thanks for the idea. It turns out that my systems emit long lists of
directories that include directories within my ports tree, from ports I

That shouldn't happen.

I have seen this happen too on i386 snapshots quite recently.
Php5 port path had been added automatically.

I noticed it when the ports from pobj/ had been cleaned and new ldconfig calls were trying to search that path again. I just unconfigured it with ldconfig.

I also don't see how these directories got in the search path in
the first place.

Something has called "ldconfig -m" during the build.

Antti Harri

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