Brynet <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I know not everyone uses OpenBSD for a desktop OS, 

I personally run only OpenBSD on all my desktops. I spend no less than 
5 hours a day working on them and no I am not a software developer.
I must admit though I enjoy writing a nice AWK or a shell script. 

> but I have been for
> nearly 5 years and I'm quite curious about some of your opinions? do you
>  embrace minimalism or pure aesthetics? are the two mutually exclusive?
> When I started using OpenBSD (..around 3.7) I was frequently switching
> between window managers, tweaking.. but for 2 years now I've been using
> fluxbox and I believe I'm comfortable with it.
> * Do you use one of the bundled window managers like
> cwm(1)/twm(1)/fvwm(1) or something else?

I was surprised to see how few cwm users responded to your message so
for the record I use cwm. My wife uses cwm. My children use cwm. We 
switched from OpenBox around the time cwm became the part of the base. 
We could not be happier.

> * What other utilities do you find useful, any "dockapps" or similar
> applets? personal customizations?

Please see for yourself 

$ more .xsession
xidle -program "/usr/X11R6/bin/xlock" -timeout 300 &
xclock -geometry -0+0 &
feh --bg-scale /home/predrag/Desktop/ocean.jpg &
exec cwm

$ more .Xdefaults
XTerm*loginShell: true
XTerm*faceName: Mono
XTerm*faceSize: 11
XTerm*background: black
XTerm*foreground: gray

Xft.antialias: true

XClock*analog:                          false
XClock*strftime:                        %T %A %e %B
XClock*face:                            ter-d12n
XClock*interval:                        1
XClock*margin:                          0
XClock*foreground:                      gray
XClock*background:                      black

$ more .cwmrc
# Turn on sticky-group mode
        sticky yes
# Any entry here is shown in the application menu
        command Opera           "opera"
        command Rox             "rox"
        command Ogle            "ogle" 
        command Xfig            "xfig"
        command Xsane           "xsane"
        command Xcalc           "xcalc"  
# Keybindings
        bind CM-m       "xterm -e nail -A gmail"
        bind CM-space   "xterm -e nail -A gsu"
# Autogroup definitions
        autogroup 2     "xterm,XTerm"

> * Do you try to keep things uniform across other desktops?

Yes, I do synchronize my desktops with unison

> * What does your environment look like? anyone willing to post
> screenshots or actual workspace photos?

There is nothing really to post. See my .xsession and .Xdefaults. For a
very long time I was using default gray X server with the xclock, the
xconsole, and a pile of xterms. My kids got me spoiled. Now I use eye 
candy in a form of a nice wallpaper set by feh. 

> I realize none of this may be relevant or even useful, but I figured it
> was worth asking here anyway.
> Anyone feel like humouring me? :-)
> Thanks.
> -Bryan.

You are welcome:-)

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