On Mon, Jan 04, 2010 at 10:11:00PM +0100, Laurent CARON wrote:
> Hi,
> Since I did update OpenBGPd (complete system update today), I did
> notice a strange behavior:
> None of my eBGP sessions are being taken up wether IPv4 or IPv6
> Jan  4 22:02:26 bgpgw-002 bgpd[9545]: neighbor 2001:470:14:98::1
> (he-ipv6-bgp-peer): received notification: error in OPEN message, AS
> unacceptable
> Tcpdump output:
> 22:05:53.890039 bgpgw-002.lncsa.com.29176 >
> interco-bgp-nerim.lncsa.com.bgp: P 1:46(45) ack 1 win 65535: BGP
> (OPEN: Version 4, AS #0, Holdtime 30, ID bgpgw-002.lncsa.com, Option
> CAP AS4 #49463))) (DF) [tos 0xc0] [ttl 1]
> 22:05:53.937168 interco-bgp-nerim.lncsa.com.bgp >
> bgpgw-002.lncsa.com.29176: P 1:24(23) ack 46 win 16339: BGP
> (NOTIFICATION: error OPEN Message Error, subcode Bad Peer AS) [tos
> 0xc0] [ttl 1]
> The setup consists of two OpenBSD boxes (one running current from
> last month, and the other one current from today).
> To have it running again I have to copy the old (running on last
> month's current machine) bgpd bgpctl binaries to the "new" system
> and kill both instances of bgpd
> Any clue ?

Yes, please send me the config (bgpd -nvv output is OK)
For some reasons your AS number is not set in the open.

:wq Claudio

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