Never seen such a thing before.  It's far better to have your script
be smart enough to figure out what it is before mounting it.  Check
out "file" for some help.

On 1/4/10, Michael Littlejohn <> wrote:
> I have Googled and Googled, but so far I can't find an answer.
> Is it possible to specify multiple file system types per mount point in
> fstab
> example:
> /dev/svnd1a /mnt/svnd1 *ffs,cd9660,udf* rw,noauto 0 0
> or could I do this:
> /dev/svnd1a /mnt/svnd1 *ffs* rw,noauto 0 0
> /dev/svnd1a /mnt/svnd1 *cd9660* ro,noauto 0 0
> /dev/svnd1a /mnt/svnd1 *udf* ro,noauto 0 0
> I'm looking for a little flexibility with a script I am writing to be able
> to mount
> encrypted containers, cd, and dvd images.

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