There is currently no native support for sata port multipliers
in OpenBSD.  Dragonfly has some code which could be adapted however.

On Mon, Jan 04, 2010 at 09:36:33PM -0500, nixlists wrote:
> Hi.
> I have:
> sili0 at pci4 dev 0 function 0 "CMD Technology SiI3132 SATA" rev 0x01:
> apic 3 int 8 (irq 11)
> scsibus0 at sili0: 2 targets
> The manual page does not mention it, but I guess the driver does not
> support port multipliers? It only detects one drive in my eSATA
> enclosure. There are two drives configured as "JBOD". Connecting the
> enclosure to a Windows or Linux box shows two drives.... I assume the
> driver also somehow disables write cache on the disk by default -
> judging by performance? I cannot disable write cache on this
> enclosure's drives in either Linux, FreeBSD, or even Windows! It's
> also a sili enclosure - Rosewill R2-RAID.
>  SiI5744 Storage Processor
> Which controller drivers support port multiplying for eSATA? Thanks.

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