
I'm currently facing a problem with a cisco peer.

Here is the config on the cisco peer (ISP's core router):
neighbor 2001:7A8:1:9FF2::2 remote-as 49463
 no neighbor 2001:7A8:1:9FF2::2 activate
 neighbor 2001:7A8:1:9FF2::2 activate
 neighbor 2001:7A8:1:9FF2::2 soft-reconfiguration inbound
 neighbor 2001:7A8:1:9FF2::2 maximum-prefix 5 restart 30

Here is the config on my OpenBSD box:

AS 49463
holdtime 90
holdtime min 3
fib-update yes
log updates
network 2001:7a8:820::/44 set localpref 200

neighbor 2001:7a8:1:9FF2::1 {
        remote-as               13193
        descr                   nerim-ipv6-bgp-peer
        local-address           2001:7a8:1:9FF2::2
        holdtime                30
        holdtime min            3
        announce                self
        announce IPv6           unicast
        announce IPv4           none


The cisco peer doesn't see any anouncements:

#sh bgp ipv6 uni nei 2001:7A8:1:9FF2::2 received-routes
Total number of prefixes 0

It used to work with a previous version of bgpd (I did upgrade it yesterday).

The weird is that another session is up to another ISP (Hurricane Electric) through a 6to4 tunnel.

Any clue ?


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