
On Wed, 06.01.2010 at 14:45:42 -0800, Noah Pugsley <noa...@bendtel.com> wrote:
> A little off topic but why trying to get rid of the Cisco? Other
> than the power/size/noise or to simplify your setup, less links in
> the chain, etc..
> I use OpenBSD for everything I can, and some things I shouldn't but
> an ebay 2600 + WIC is dirt cheap....

getting a Cisco that can run a few full tables is always *expensive* -
a 2600 doesn't cut it there, and getting something better is really not
justified at T1 (or E1) speed.

Plus, you can't get spare parts readily, have to rely on Cisco getting
patches out, etc.pp., and a Soekris + art(4) card as a CPE device is
still smaller and much less power-consuming than a Cisco.

Kind regards,

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