Anthony Bentley wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 09, 2010 at 08:08:40PM +0100, Matthias Kilian wrote:
>>> Silly?? Just try typing n-tilde and accents using all copy and paste!
>>> I've done that horror now and then.
>>> Ouch! :)
>> Put something like
>>      setxkbmap -option compose:ralt
>> into your .xsession and you can use all kind of accented characters
>> and umlauts with your shiny new compose key (using ralt-"-a, ralt-s-s,
>> ralt-n-~ etc.).
>> Ciao,
>>      Kili
> Was just about to suggest this. An excellent feature no matter what
> keyboard you have.

Except for me who is altering between se and us layouts. Swedish
keyboards use AltGr for e.g. AltGr+2 => '@'. Now, personally, the only
reason for that is just what is solved above. Now if it was not for the
rest of my family... :)

That said, i tried to make Caps_Lock be my compose key but to no avail.

$ xmodmap -e 'clear Lock'          # get rid of caps lock annoyance
$ setxkbmap -option compose:caps   # damn it, caps lock is back...

Hints highly appreciated. For example; where are the -option's documented?


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