On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 10:31 AM, Brian Keefer <ch...@smtps.net> wrote:
> No I'm not using PHP.  The only thing I can think of different from stock
> httpd.conf is that I turned on Server Side Includes.  I have some
> virtual hosts, but I can't imagine that's uncommon...  Oh, I think I had
> ExtendedStatus off before and it's on now.
> I'm actually running a snapshot right now, but the segfaults started when I
> upgraded to 4.6-release and has continued even after upgrading to snapshot.
> OpenBSD abydos.smtps.net 4.6 GENERIC#238 macppc
> Any clues?
> --
> bk

Firstly, Stargate fan? :)

Secondly, does the server segfault with SSI and/or ExtendedStatus
turned off?  And can we see a full dmesg?


Aaron Mason - Programmer, open source addict
I've taken my software vows - for beta or for worse

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