On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 9:20 AM, Marc Espie <es...@nerim.net> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 07:43:31AM +0100, Song Li wrote:
>> What seems a little counter intuitive to me is: I would see sd0 as a
>> shortcut of /dev/sd0 for fdisk, but "fdisk /dev/sd0" does not work.
> It's not, as miod pointed out.
> Is it something you tried to "deduce" on your own ? or some misinformation
> you found in a manpage/webpage somewhere ? if there is a typo in our
> documentation that actually says "fdisk /dev/sd0", we would like to know
> about it...

The man page for fdisk matches the actual OS. There is no typo.

On the other hand, IMHO, a system should allow its user's reasonable
assumption. It would be a headache for everyone if we have to memorize
the exact syntax for every single command.

Maybe it's more so for other desktop friendly OS like FreeBSD and
Linux but not so true for OpenBSD, which does not have a high priority
for easy use. At any rate, you are much more experienced and should be
able to make better judgment than on how it should work. You can just
ignore my two cents and I will respect its current design -- it must
have many merits waiting for me to appreciate ...



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