| On 2010-01-26 17:09:09, Luca Corti wrote:
| Anyone has any experience with this Sun box? I'm looking for decent hardware 
to run OpenBGPd over a 1 Gbps Internet transit.
| It's an Intel Xeon 5520 quad-core with an Intel 5520 chipset and ICH10R, I 
guess no problem here.
| It comes with 4 gigabit ports (Intel 82575EB) which should be fine em(4).
| I'm wondering if the Sun Storagetek SAS RAID card is supported though, the 
technical specs talk about it as being "LSI-based".

I have several of these systems. They do not run OpenBSD, so I can only speak
to the hardware:

The hardware is excellent. It's easy to work on; it's stable; it has decent
introspection via the BMC. It has a couple minor, but very nice, fixes over the
X4150s (mostly to do with button placement and some internal cabling). I have
had zero problems with these systems.

They're solid, and they fly.

You can pick up RAM cheap from crucial, and get disk sleds from memoryx
(541-2123) so you don't have to pay disk markup.

I do not use the SAS RAID card, and couldn't speak its being supported by
OpenBSD regardless. (I have a J4200 plugged into the non-RAID SAS card, because
ZFS > hardware RAID.)

You may find that you'll need to disable some of the em(4) ports so you can get
access to the Service Processor. I run OpenBSD on my X2100 M2s and have to
disable bge* (via config(8)) so I can get at the SP. Just something to keep in
mind when provisioning.

cyberpunk is dead. long live cyberpunk.

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