On Thu, 28 Jan 2010 22:28:45 -0800 Raymond Lillard <rlill...@sonic.net>

> Ralph Becker-Szendy wrote:
> > For one of my OpenBSD machines, I need to be able to measure a few 
> > analog voltages, and act on them in a control process.  The
> > requirements are quite simple compared to typical data acquisition:
> > I absolutely need two voltage inputs, either 0-20V or 0-100mV;
> > doesn't have to be differential, acquisition can be slow (1s is
> > fine), and resolution can be as small as 10-12 bits (1% accuracy is
> > more than good enough).  A few extra input channels, more
> > accuracy/resolution, and a few digital IOs wouldn't hurt, but are
> > not necessary.  DIN rail mounting and connection breakout would be
> > nice, but can be improvised.
> > 
> > On the software side, there will be OpenBSD, with ad-hoc monitoring
> > and control scripts.  With a little programming and script-writing,
> > I can adapt anything that the OS can reasonably access.
> > 
> > Now come the issues: I can't use PCI cards, only external units,
> > most likely connected via USB (as Ethernet and serial are expensive
> > or rare). And it needs to have some software support under OpenBSD
> > - a Windows- or Linux-only solution doesn't work.  And this
> > application is not worth spending thousands of $$$.  For Windows
> > and LabView, solutions are easy to find (for example EMant300,
> > DAQPodMX, a variety of Omega products). Does anyone now of a
> > solution that would work with OpenBSD?
> > 
> Ralph,
> http://www.netburner.com/embedded_control.html
> The PK70 with the analog board will give you everything you
> asked for and quite a bit more at a hardware cost of US$400.
> This may be over-kill, and you will need to write a bit of
> code to run on the PK70.  You will also need to add a voltage
> divider if you want to go the 20V route.
> The development environment is GCC based but unfortunately
> hosted on Windows :-(.  I have rolled my own cross-compilers
> for other NB products on Linux, OpenBSD would probably be
> possible.  The development environment is not needed once
> you have downloaded your code to flash on the PK70.It is
> probably not worth the trouble as your requirements are small,
> even though it's hard to be productive while holding your nose
> with one hand while typing with the other.
> I am assuming this is a hobby project and your time is
> free (as in beer).
> I have been using products from this company in volume for
> a decade.  They are good guys with very solid products.
> I have no financial interest in the Netburner company.
> I notice you are local to me.  Contact me by off-line by
> email if you want to talk about it by phone.
> Ray

Small world... --I'm also in Los Gatos, so if you want to give me a
ring, contact me off list.

I'm guessing GPIB would be over-kill for your situation?

I've got one National Instruments GPIB card for Sun (sbus) and a second
for x86 (ISA). I think I might even have a NI PCI GPIB card around here
somewhere. I believe I have I GPIB/Ethernet and GPIB/Serial bridges.
I've always thought it might be fun to write OpenBSD drivers for the NI
cards. GPIB might be old, but it's extremely useful.

>From what you wrote, I'd also guess you want to keep things *very*
simple, so I doubt you'll be getting into driving lots of equipment in a
manufacturing/test environment? --The only hint you gave to the
contrary was the desire for DIN rail mounting?

Depending on distance/environment requirements, serial can be a viable
option for you, and is often less complex and less expensive than USB.


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