Le vendredi 05 fivrier 2010 17:43:30, vous avez icrit :
> > Hello,
> >
> > I think of doing this too.
> > What I would like to understand is if I will be able to use the frequency
> > change 1000 / 2000 MHz dynamic load based.
> >
> > Regards
> Do you mean change the frequency depending on load on the computer...?
> This is very easy in a virtual environment, I am not sure on machine. I
> have seen windows software that allows you to change certain options
> while in the OS, though weather you could do this in OpenBSD and
> dynamically you will need to see if someone else knows the answer. GPU's
> are very easy to do this with...certainly doing it manually, but CPU
> stuff I'm not so sure...

I was thinking this is integrated in the core of AMD processor.
Anyway I will see depending on the sunked power if it is necessary to reduce
it further.

Yes, usually the AMD proc use auto reduce of the frequency during standstill
of the OS.

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