On 2010-02-09, matteo filippetto <matteo.filippe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> while configuring dhcpd I found that option-252
> has been changed to autoproxy-script ( as in the source code of tables.c)
> but there seems to be no reference in the man pages of dhcpd, dhcpd.conf or
> dhcp-options.
> How can I help to fix this?

The best way is to update dhcp-options.5 and send a cvs diff -u
(tech@ is a good place to send it, things on misc@ get lost more
easily). Normally it is best to diff against -current, but this
particular file hasn't changed for a little while, so anything
from 4.5 on will do.

I noticed at least one more that's not in dhcp-options(5), I would
encourage checking the others and sending a diff to add any that
are missing :-)

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