* Didier Wiroth <dwir...@gmail.com> [2010-01-23 23:15]:
> On Wednesday 20 January 2010 23:21:35 Michael Lechtermann wrote:
> > Am 20.01.2010 23:15, schrieb frantisek holop:
> > > hmm, on Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 04:58:32PM +0100, Michael Lechtermann said
> > > that
> > >
> > >> it seems there is a bug in pfctl regarding the cleared time of a table
> > >> entry. The attack actually happend this year, but the date shown is
> > >> constantly changing:
> > >
> > > been like this forever...
> > >
> > > -pa-r-- bad-ssh
> > >         Addresses:   3
> > >         Cleared:     Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
> > >         References:  [ Anchors: 0                  Rules: 2              
> > >    ] Evaluations: [ NoMatch: 0                  Match: 0                 
> > > ] In/Block:    [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
> > > In/Pass:     [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
> > > In/XPass:    [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
> > > Out/Block:   [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
> > > Out/Pass:    [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
> > > Out/XPass:   [ Packets: 0                  Bytes: 0                  ]
> > >
> > > i think i have sent a message about it ages ago but only to misc@
> >
> > For me, it is a new behavior. It still worked with OpenBSD snapshot from
> > around 08/2009.
> Hello,
> I'm running latest current and I have the same issues now:
> # pfctl -t tb1 -Ts -vvv
>         Cleared:     Wed Dec 31 11:19:39 1969
>         Cleared:     Wed Dec 31 11:19:39 1969
> Actually this used to be displayed correctly 2 or 3 snapshots ago.
> Is this a known bug?

it's a slightly weird side-effect. a quick glance indicates that the
tzero timestamp is part of the stats struct and tables don't keep
stats/counters by default any more. for some time tho. i don't
remember any recent changes to the table code (as if anybody wanted to
touch that mess)

Henning Brauer, h...@bsws.de, henn...@openbsd.org
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