hi there,

i am trying to make tmux use 256 colors.

i have found this:

i have done step 2:

$ xterm
$ echo TERM
$ TERM=xterm-256color
$ tput colors

but it is not clear to me how can i do step 1.
what is the proper way to:

"1) Set TERM=screen-256color inside so that applications INSIDE tmux know that
it supports 256 colours, you can do this however you like but default-terminal
is usually easiest."

actually the man page states, somewhat misleadingly, that:

             The TERM environment variable must be set to ``screen'' for all
             programs running inside tmux.  New windows will automatically
             have ``TERM=screen'' added to their environment, but care must be
             taken not to reset this in shell start-up files.

what i have done in the end is to put
in my .kshrc that is referenced also by .profile's ENV
but it doesn't feel 100% right.

there are 10 types of people: those that do binary, and those that don't.

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