On Fri, 19 Feb 2010, FRLinux wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 1:08 AM, L. V. Lammert <l...@omnitec.net> wrote:
> > Found one tcl/tk at:
> >  http://www.linux-kheops.com/pub/vcron/vcronGB.html
> > but running an X tool would app would be too complicated for this
> > requirement.
> Wow, from the page "BE CARREFUL, some Slackware seem to have an access
> right problem for at, which must be fixed
> ( chmod 777 /var/spool/atjobs ), in order to get vcron running ! "
> Seriously...
> Steph
Yep, .. that's one reason I don't want to use it. We'll probably end up
creating our own tool with nCurses that looks something like vcron. It
just feels like we're recreating the wheel, however.


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