I am pleased to inform you that today February 22, 2010, Emerald Who's Who
for Executives and Professionals has selected you as potential candidate
into our organization to represent Mexico and the latin professional
community. Emerald is the authority for professional networking and
recognition in virtually every industry across the globe.  

In the current economic climate, it is important to be part of a network
of professionals to assist with seeking the best possible candidates for
positions and business endeavors. Our members assist each other with
business and career opportunities every day. Emerald Who's Who is
consistently helping our members increase existing business, develop new
ventures and acquire new contacts, locally, nationally and

We have released our new website, allowing individuals to increase their
networking potential. Along with our "human" networking department, we are
sure to assist qualified professionals as we have in the past, as we are
currently doing as well as the implementations we have planned for
professionals in the future.

Should you be inducted into Emerald Who's Who, you will also be included
in the 2010-2011 edition of Emerald Who's Who for Executives and
Professionals. This is an annual edition of accomplished individuals
across the world.

Your inclusion into our organization requires that further professional
information about you is provided within the next 5 days.Please note there
is no dues or fee's to be considered into the Emerald Who's Who for
Executives and Professionals.
We have provided the link below to help you submit your information
quickly and easily.


While our editorial department is continuously working on publishing
timelines, I cannot assure that you will be included in our next annual
print publication featuring all executives and professionals like
yourself. If we receive your information in the next 5 days, we can still
consider your submission.

Kind regards, 
Anthony Miller
Research Director
Emerald Who's Who for Executives and Professionals Inc.
954 Third Ave, NY, NY 10022



Thanks Emerald, your networking dept. surely helped us here in Panama.
Since we are an international real estate and development company, we have
been able to seek prospects and close some great deals straight from the
existing member data base. With Panama on its way up, we urge new and
existing members to join your colleagues in investing in your future. Keep
it up Emerald, you have a great thing going. - 
Simon Hurst, KnightsBridge Investment Group-Panama

Emerald Who's Who, 954 Third Ave, Suite 817, New York, NY 10022
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