On 24 Feb 2010, at 17:24, Claudio Jeker wrote:

> On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 04:19:33PM -0500, Michael H Lambert wrote:
>> If I'm reading the manpages and latest CVS correctly, OpenBGPD does not
>> support SAFI_MULTICAST for either IPv4 or IPv6, although some of the hooks
>> appear to be present.  Does anyone have a good feel for how much effort
>> be required to add this functionality (or just where changes need to be
>> It looks to be the big sticking point in moving from quagga to OpenBGPD.
> Why are you using MBGP? Your the first requesting this. Multicast routing
> is totaly different from unicast routing. It will need fairly massive
> changes.

I'll agree that multicast FORWARDING is totally different from unicast
forwarding.  However, I'm talking BGP and not PIM.  I think that populating
the RIBs is sufficient from a BGP perspective.


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