On Tue, 02 Mar 2010 11:27:50 -0500 "Brad Tilley" <b...@16systems.com>

> > What I really want to do here is understand *why* some portion of
> > the disk has become unreadable?
> cd /bad_partition && dd if=/dev/zero of=big_file.zero bs=512
> conv=sync,noerror
> Let it run until it finishes. That won't explain why the sectors are
> bad, but it may give a good indication of the problem area and answer
> the failing drive question. If dd reports IO issues, you may want to
> replace the drive.
> Brad

Thanks Brad. If it was an unnecessary partition, I'd do a destructive
overwrite to see what it does. Unfortunately, it's /usr/.

I'm going to toss a new disk in the box, and do a fresh install on the
new disk, so I can reliably play with the old one.


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