You just think that it's running perfectly under Linux ;-) See eg. this post

On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Michael Lechtermann
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 04.03.2010 16:32, schrieb FRLinux:
>> Hello, i read from the current documentation that it is not advised to
>> purchase hardware containing the following (taken from
>> Adaptec FSA-based RAID controllers (aac), including: (*)
>> Note: In the past years Adaptec has lied to us repeatedly about
>> forthcoming documentation which would have allowed us to stabilize,
>> improve and manage RAID support for these (rather buggy) raid
>> controllers.
>> As a result, we do not recommend the Adaptec cards for use.
>> B  B  * Adaptec AAC-2622, AAC-364, AAC-3642, 2130S, 2200S, 2230SLP,
>> 2410SA, 2610SA, 2810SA, 21610SA
>> B  B  * Dell CERC-SATA, PERC 320/DC
>> B  B  * Dell PERC 2/QC, PERC 2/Si, PERC 3/Si, PERC 3/D
>> B  B  * HP NetRaid-4M
>> B  B  * IBM ServeRAID-8i/8k/8s
>> Now I do have a Dell PE 850 (2005 edition) SATA CERC 1.5/6Ch with a
>> RAID on it. Works perfectly under Linux as one RAID, but OpenBSD (4.6
>> says no drive).
>> Does it mean I'm screwed? Message below.
> aac is not enabled in the stock kernel for the reasons mentioned above.
> You need to enable aac and recompile the kernel if you really want to
> use that raid card.
> There is NO raid monitoring available, so you'll never know when i disk
> dies. I suggest to replace the controller with something else or just
> use the on-board SATA ports and softraid instead.
> Michael


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