On Sun, Mar 07, 2010 at 10:00:40AM +0500, ???? ??????? wrote:
> 2010/3/7 Claudio Jeker <cje...@diehard.n-r-g.com>:
> > On Sat, Mar 06, 2010 at 06:52:24PM +0100, Rogier Krieger wrote:
> >> On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 17:26, P P;Q Q  P(P8P?P8Q P8P=
> > <chipits...@gmail.com>
> >> wrote:
> >> > no, I want routes exactly to carp.
> >>
> >> That sounds odd. Routes are something different than what particular
> >> host responds to frames directed to a specific hardware address.
> >>
> >> If I understand the rest of your description correctly, you want only
> >> the master bgpd to have sessions and to somehow distribute its routes
> >> to the backup(s), with the backups starting with that 'state' and
> >> initiate connections to your BGP peers whenever a master goes down. I
> >> doubt that'll work.
> >>
> >> In your scenario, if your master goes down, there are no longer any
> >> BGP sessions up with any of your peers. If I'm not mistaken, that will
> >> cause them to withdraw the prefixes you previously advertised from
> >> their tables and no longer forward traffic to you.
> >>
> >
> > Right, as soon as the master dies the routes will be withdrawn (there may
> > be some overlap since it is possible that carp switches before bgpd
> > realizes the loss). At the moment it is not possible to have a real backup
> > router running. I have some ideas and partial diffs that will allow backup
> > CARP nodes to preload tables. Main problem is that we need graceful
> > restart for this but most peers (as in cizzzcoee) are not able to assist
> > graceful restart.
> >
> > Btw. I'm looking for a device that is capable of doing graceful restarts
> > (as for example some foundry) to test my diff against. Would be great if I
> > could get access to a lab router to play with.
> we have Juniper on other side, I could test the patch.

Thanks but I need full access to the device. When I know it is working I
will send it out to tech@ so that people can test against other

> >
> >> When your new master is promoted, it will set up a new session with
> >> your peers. This is probably not the sort of failover you want to see
> >> happening in production.
> >>
> >
> > That's why you have multiple bgpd routers with redundant pathes.
> from the network point of view, packets will come from the same MAC an
> IP address (because of CARP), so ... if BACKUP will "just continue to
> maintain a session, established by MASTER",  nobody will even know, 1
> sec is nothing in terms of BGP

You can not "just continue to maintain a session, established by MASTER".
That implies that you can migrate a running TCP session plus all the
necessary state information of the session engine from one system to

:wq Claudio

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