I run multipath NAT on my openbsd like this

pass out from em0:network to !em0:network nat-to {tun0,tun1}

I think change nat-to to route-to can also work.

By the way, this is for routing,nating clients.
If you wish to do multipath for the machine openbsd is running on.

1. Check the default route interface, suppose tun0
2. pass out on tun0 from any to any nat-to {tun0,tun1,tun2}

These are done with OpenBSD-current 

----- Original Message ----
From: Leonardo Lombardo <l.lomba...@jwizard.it>
To: misc@openbsd.org
Sent: Thu, March 4, 2010 8:22:50 PM
Subject: multipath and route-to

Hi all,

is there a way to force a route in pf, with route-to, on a machine that have 
multipath routing enabled ?
I'm trying to configure a gateway with multipath routing with the possibility 
of assigning a fixed route for some clients.

I can't find a way but to disable ecmp and do all the work with pf.

Can you give me some hints ?


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