Le Dimanche 07 Mars 2010 15:18:49, Rogier Krieger a icrit :
> On Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 14:31, jean-francois <jfsimon1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Is there some basic configuration I missed to do ?
> As a quick check, did you start both smbd and nmbd components (ps ax
> is your friend here) and did you place the necessary lines in
> /etc/rc.local as per the message you received upon install? If you
> missed that, see pkg_info(1) and its -M option.
> Alternatively, review the log files for samba to see what's (not)
> happening.
> Regards,
> Rogier

Yes, daemons are loaded.

# ps -ax | grep mbd
 5434 ??  Is      0:00.01 /usr/local/libexec/smbd
28545 ??  I       0:00.00 /usr/local/libexec/smbd
19915 ??  Ss      0:00.03 /usr/local/libexec/nmbd
 2725 ??  I       0:00.11 /usr/local/libexec/smbd

In rc.local I don't have the -M option, what is this for ?

if [ -x /usr/local/libexec/smbd ]; then
        echo -n ' smbd'
if [ -x /usr/local/libexec/nmbd ]; then
        echo -n ' nmbd'

I have a process relative to nmbd binding to UDP 137 in the systat net page -
but it's not mentionned LISTEN or ESTABLISHED, it's just empty as if the
process was not listening. It's nmbd. This process does'nt listen actually

In log it says the following which seems understanble since nmbd does not
listen on UDP 137.

Mar  7 19:03:04 serveur nmbd[19915]: [2010/03/07 19:03:04, 0]
Mar  7 19:03:04 serveur nmbd[19915]:   Packet send failed to
ERRNO=Host is down

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