I'd do a

find -x / -type f -exec ls -l {} \; |more

and look for big files that don't really belong there.

Common errors are something like redirecting to /devnull or /dev/nul instead of /dev/null or so.

If you can't find them, email me that output and I'll have a look.

Ron McDowell
San Antonio TX

roys2...@sdf.lonestar.org wrote:

Can someone please tell me how I can clean my root partition?

df -h
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/wd0a      2.0G    2.0G   -101M   105%    /
/dev/wd0k      830G   84.7G    704G    11%    /home
/dev/wd0d      3.9G   40.0K    3.7G     0%    /tmp
/dev/wd0f     49.2G    888M   45.9G     2%    /usr
/dev/wd0g      2.0G    159M    1.7G     8%    /usr/X11R6
/dev/wd0h      7.9G    2.2G    5.2G    30%    /usr/local
/dev/wd0j      3.9G   70.6M    3.7G     2%    /usr/obj
/dev/wd0i      3.9G    683M    3.1G    18%    /usr/src
/dev/wd0e      7.9G   68.7M    7.4G     1%    /var

When I look in my /root partition, there is only 1mb

I feel kind of stupid to have to ask such question,
but i simply can't find an answer on the net,
and really don't want to install everything from scratch.


Roy Stuivenberg.

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