Jan wrote:
> I didn't notice, that httpd was still running.
> kill -TERM ID_of_httpd
> httpd -u
> solved the problem. Thank you! Everything works fine!

Well if you're happy running httpd non-chrooted, then fine (seriously).
I would not be though.

If not, there is more stuff to try in my last reply.

Oh, and since misc@ is pretty noisy, I would suggest using "reply to
all", as at least I don't keep track of every thread I've posted to. I
just found this reply by accident. :-)

> Jan
> Alexander Hall wrote:
>> Jan wrote:
>>> Thank you for the numerous responses! Except the solution to change
>>> "localhost" to "" in the whole script, I tried everything you
>> Do try that then. I dont know the script at hand, but it cannot be that
>> many places that creates a database connection, can it?
>> IIRC, localhost implies file socket, and even if I'm wrong, it requires
>> a name lookup, and you might be missing /etc stuff in the chroot.
>>> proposed. It still doesn't work. Here a short review:
>>> === Are you trying to connect to the MySQL socket outside of the httpd
>>> chroot?
>>> ===> after having run "apachectl start", I tried the same process using
>>> "httpd -u". But nothing changed.
>> You did mean you killed httpd in between, yes?
>>> === mysql -h localhost -u root -p
>>> Works perfect. "mysql -h localhost -u joomla -p" works also.
>> How about "mysql -h -P 3306 -u joomla -p" ?
>> /Alexander
>>> === Have a look in /var/www/logs/
>>> ===>in the errorlog of the folder is no entry. access_log shows up:
>>> -- [09/Mar/2010:09:47:26 -0700] "POST"
>>> /user01/installation/index.php HTTP/1.1" 200 4270
>>> === At the very least you'll also need the php5-mysql-5.2.6.tgz package
>>> installed as well.
>>> ===> php5-mysql and php5-mysqli packets are installed both
>>> === At the very least you'll also need the php5-mysql-5.2.6.tgz package
>>> installed as well.
>>> ==> That's the output of the mysql part in the phpinfo();:
>>> mysql
>>> MySQL Support    enabled
>>> active persistent links        0
>>> active links            0
>>> client api version        5.0.51a
>>> mysql_module_type        external
>>> mysql_socket            /var/run/mysql/mysql.sock
>>> mysql_include            -I/usr/local/include/mysql
>>> mysql_libs            -L/usr/local/include/mysql
>>> directive        local value        master value
>>> mysql.allow_persistent    On            On
>>> mysql.connect_timeout    60            60
>>> mysql.default_host    no value        no value
>>> mysql.default_password    no value        no value
>>> mysql.default_port    no value        no value
>>> mysql.default_socket    no value        no value
>>> mysql.default_user    no value        no value
>>> mysql.max_links        Unlimited        Unlimited
>>> mysql.max_persistent    Unlimited        Unlimited
>>> mysql.trace_mode    Off            Off
>>> Thank you!
>>> Jan

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