Alexander Carver wrote:
Miod Vallat wrote:
Hi all,

I've been working on getting gpsd working on one of my old Sun IPXes but I've run into a problem with ldattach needing the /dev/cuaa device. The serial port /dev/ttya is working with gpsd directly but ldattach requires /dev/cuaa. However, according to the system logs, ldattach issues the error (ldattach is run as root):

ldattach: can't open /dev/cuaa: Device not configured

Oops. Big oops. cua support for zstty was removed about 7.5 years ago,
it was intended to be brought back, but I had completely forgotten about

Does the following diff help? It should apply cleanly to 4.6 too (apply
in sys/arch/sparc/dev).


I just patched the sources and am now compiling (but slowly since it's an IPX). I'll let you know as soon as the compile finishes and I reboot the new kernel.

Compile is complete (finally) and the patch seemed to work for partially enabling the /dev/cua* devices. I was able to open one with minicom and read data from the port.

However, when I'm using ldattach it just sits there.  Running the following:

ldattach -d -p -s 19200 nmea /dev/cuaa

just sits, it never returns a PTY but it never errors out, either. It just sits and sits until I terminate it.

If I change the device to ttya:

ldattach -d -p -s 19200 nmea /dev/ttya

then ldattach returns the PTY and opens the port at the proper speed and data does pass through from the port to the PTY.

So I don't understand why ldattach is having an issue with /dev/cua* but appears to work wtih /dev/tty*.

I say appears to work because the handshake lines aren't being reported by ldattach either. I want to use the DCD line for sending PPS data from the gps on that port but those transitions aren't being conveyed by ldattach at all. I am suspecting it has to do with having opened /dev/ttya instead of /dev/cuaa which means I need to still resolve the ttya/cuaa issue.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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