Daniel Ouellet wrote:
> On 3/30/10 6:05 PM, Andreas Gerdd wrote:
>> I have changed the httpd.conf file as follows:
>> DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
>> But httpd still loads the index.php instead index.html after the restart.
>> Both files are existing in the htdocs.
>> How can i change the index file priority order?
>> (I am looking for a serverwide solution. not a .htaccess solution)
> Did you actually restart httpd to read the new configuration?
> Do you happened to have another directive in your conf file that may
> overwrite this as well? Somethng like may be
> <Directory /var/www/sites/site.com/www>
>         DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
> </Directory>
> So that it would changed that order for that specific site?
> You have the global directive, but you can also have individual
> directive as well and may be that's what you have that stop you.
> Or may be you changed only the specific one and didn't do the main one?
> Or you simply didn't restart httpd to read the new configuration?
> It does work anyway. Hoep this give you a few things to look for.
> Best,
> Daniel

Since you didn't specify an Apache version, I am going off the stock version in
4.6 stable with this answer.

Don't forget that the DirectoryIndex option is set in your
/var/www/conf/modules/php5.conf file too.

Might comment out that entry and see if it makes a difference.

Jim Lucas
NOC Manager
BendTel, Inc.

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