hmm, on Tue, Apr 06, 2010 at 12:20:03PM +0200, Bret S. Lambert said that
> Not to be a dick, but what does one second buy you, really?

it's not really about that second.
actually, i dont mind losing some 5 minutes even
from the "current" month.

my goal is to have log files that end at a certain period.

e.g. an archived log file of march that doesn't contain
april entries (from the "future"), although it's all right
if it contains a couple of stray entries from february
(the casualties of log rotation).

now i have logfiles named after the current month containing
all the entries from the previous month.

getting the name of the previous month from the current month
is another can of worms i dont want to open.

careful planning will never replace dumb luck.

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