Matthew Roberts wrote:
> I have been experimenting with a softraid mirror, using two cheap SATA
> disks.
> In general the performance is very good - except when rebuilding.  A quick
> set of sums suggests that the problem is seek time.
> The disks are 7200rpm, therefore one can hope for 120 seeks per second.
> "systat iostat" (while rebuilding) gives this (edited to fit in an email):
> DEVICE          READ    WRITE     RTPS    WTPS     SEC
> wd0          3801088  3827302       58      59     1.0
> wd1                0  3801088        0      58     0.0
> sd0                0        0        0       0     0.0
> Totals       3801088  7628390       58     117     1.0
> When not rebuilding, the disks can stream data at ~100MB/s.  Whereas while
> rebuilding the speed is closer to 3.8MB/s -  which seems to be cause by the
> 64KB softraid rebuild blocksize and the seek time of the disk.
> (3.8MB/s = 64KB/block * 60block/s).
> Interestingly, even though I have a mirror, the rebuild process is writing
> to both disks during the rebuild.
> ---
> So... given that my raid will take ~5days to rebuild when I expect a few
> hours I have started to thing about how to 'fix' this problem.
> My instinct says that there are two ways to attack this problem.
> 1) I could modify /src/sys/dev/softraid.c so that it consumes much more
> kernel memory and rebuilds in blocks of (say) 1MB, rather than 64k.  Which
> would work for anyone else having rebuild performance problems on any raid
> level.
> 2) I could, instead, modify /src/sys/dev/softraid_raid1.c so that it
> doesn't
> write back to source chunk when rebuilding.  Obviously I want 'normal'
> IO to
> be written to all disks when rebuilding, so I'll need to be careful.
> ---
> My question is: has anyone else come across this issue before, and if so
> what
> did they do?  Google fails me... so please don't say "google it".

I've come across this. I yanked a disk to test reconstruction. When I
realized it would take days (2T raid 1 over three disks), I gave up on
it and instead tweaked my backup script to support multiple stores.
while that in the end was a better (mostly as in "simpler") solution for
me, I'd still love to see the issue you describe being solved.

> My second question is: which of the two ideas above has most merit? -
> and what should I do with the patch afterwards (assuming that it isn't
> nasty)?

First, let me say I'm delighted to read your conclusions on the subject.

(1) Does not feel like a proper solution. dd(1) et al usually works
dandy with a 64k buffer, so it should be sufficient here.

(2) Sounds like it would fix the problem (no extra seeking needed if one
disk reads a constant stream while the other disk writes a constant
stream. Again, just like dd(1). However, I have no idea how complex it
would be to actually implement.

That said, I'm not a device nor a filesystem guy, so you need to accept
the fact that I might be totally misleading you here. :-)


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