i get solusion why this happent.

me using sonicwall ass gateway  ...
here i capture log in server and sonicwall
# wget
--2010-04-22 17:53:03--
           => `clamav-0.95.2.tgz.1'
Resolving anga.funkfeuer.at..., 2a02:60:1:1::9
Connecting to anga.funkfeuer.at||:21... connected.
Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
==> SYST ... done.    ==> PWD ... done.
==> TYPE I ... done.  ==> CWD /pub/OpenBSD/4.6/packages/i386 ... done.
==> SIZE clamav-0.95.2.tgz ... 1516336
==> PASV ... done.    ==> RETR clamav-0.95.2.tgz ... done.
Length: 1516336 (1.4M)

24% [================>
    ] 376,480     40.4K/s   in 9.6s

2010-04-22 17:53:18 (38.2 KB/s) - Data connection: Connection reset by
peer; Control connection closed.

--2010-04-22 17:53:19--
  (try: 2) => `clamav-0.95.2.tgz.1'
Connecting to anga.funkfeuer.at||:21... connected.
Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
==> SYST ... done.    ==> PWD ... done.
==> TYPE I ... done.  ==> CWD /pub/OpenBSD/4.6/packages/i386 ... done.
==> SIZE clamav-0.95.2.tgz ... 1516336
==> PASV ... done.    ==> REST 376480 ...
REST failed, starting from scratch.

==> RETR clamav-0.95.2.tgz ... done.
Length: 1516336 (1.4M), 1139856 (1.1M) remaining

24% [================>
    ] 376,480     38.8K/s   in 9.6s

2010-04-22 17:53:34 (38.1 KB/s) - Data connection: Connection reset by
peer; Control connection closed.

then i check in sonicwall

12  UTC 04/22/2010 10:52:56.032 Alert Security Services Gateway
Anti-Virus Alert: Mytob.Crypter (Worm) blocked, 51671,
X3 192.168.xxx.10, 13305, X5

ha ha so the trouble maker is sonicwall ....

On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 4:54 PM, J.C. Roberts <list-...@designtools.org>
> On Wed, 4 Nov 2009 17:49:55 +0700 sonjaya <sonj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear all
>> i try install clamav from packages but  get error like this , how to
>> solved ?
>> - i try another mirror still same
>> - try donwload to local pc still same
>> # export PKG_PATH=ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/4.6/packages/i386/
>> # pkg_add -i clamav
>> Premature end of archive
>>                         clamav-0.95.2: complete
>> Adjusting sha for /usr/local/lib/libclamav.a from
>> k3C2K5oQcz5KJ1wrU0uLgN9h6iZ1w6MYh5gIYM02On4= to
>> orCLZWKfCRHFq1lVJcXljBP3QjUq2trZIlRJ49Np5zk=
>> /usr/sbin/pkg_add: Installation of clamav-0.95.2 failed, partial
>> installation recorded as partial-clamav-0.95.2
>                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> You need to delete the *PARTIALLY* installed package. As for why this
> does not happen by default on all failed installation attempts, I don't
> know, but that fact that failed installation attempts leave non-working
> junk on the system can cause problems.
> $ sudo pkg_delete partial-clamav-0.95.2
> --
> J.C. Roberts


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