On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 19:09:52 +0400
Alexander Polakov <polac...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2010/4/23, Thomas Pfaff <tpf...@tp76.info>:
> > On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 03:31:31 +0400
> >
> > Could you please elaborate on what this does?
> Cycles through windows belonging to the same group as current window.
> Like if you have an xterm group, which all xterm's belong to, with 
> cycleingroup
> you cycle only through xterms, no other windows get in your way.
> Currently to do this, one has to hide all other groups (or maybe i am
> just missing something obvious).

Oh, I just use ``sticky yes'' and ``bind 4-j rcyclegroup'' and
``bind 4-k cyclegroup'' to cycle between the available groups
that I create.  That means all other groups have to be hidden,
as you say, but that's how I work.  This gives me something like
virtual desktops.

I've nothing to do with cwm but personally I've no need for this
patch.  Others here will have to state their opinions, though.


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