On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 10:15:08 -0300
Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac <lscarne...@veltrac.com.br> wrote:

> Hello everyone.
> I have a table in my pf.conf:
> table <ips_allowed> persist const file "/etc/pf.conf.d/ips_allowed"
> If I add or remove IPs from this file mannualy, will the firewall be 
> aware of such changes or do i need to reload pf? Also, pf do map this 
> file in memory or does it read from the disk for every packet?
> Tks in advance and sorry for my poor english

Please read the manual page.
you will need to do something like:

pfctl -Treplace -tips_allowed

in order to reload your table 
With best regards,
        Gregory Edigarov

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