On Sat, May 01, 2010 at 11:39:00AM +0200, Christopher Zimmermann wrote:
> Hi,
> the following piece of code compiles fine using g++ 4.2.4, but 
> fails using g++ 3.3.5 in the base system:
> error: operands to ?: have different types
> It is part of ptlib, which is the base library for opal, which in 
> turn is needed for ekiga, which I'm trying to port.
> What is your suggestion? Can anyone think of a workaround for 
> this or should I just compile it using eg++ 4.2.4 ?
> Christopher
> #include<err.h>
> #define WarnIfNULL(x) ((x) ? (x) : (warn("blub"),(x)))
> class A
> {
>   protected:
>     int a;
> };
> class B : A
> {
>   public:
>     void blub()
>     {
>          WarnIfNULL(A::a);
>     }
> };

Why do some C++ programmer still use macros where they're not needed ?
bunch of idiots, let them stay with C.


template<typename T>
inline T WarnIfNULL(T x)
        if (!x)
        return x;

class A
    int a;

class B : A
    void blub()

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