--- Leonardo Carneiro - Veltrac [Tue, May 04, 2010 at 08:54:38AM -0300]: --- 
> Hi list.
> Why do we get spam on this list? Does it allow to unsubscribed users to 
> email us or the spam is comming from subscribers?
> This is ***not*** a flame war start about spam. I'm just curious.



The OpenBSD mailing lists use spamd(8) in greylisting mode as well as
SpamAssassin to keep down the spam volume but things do sneak
through--deal with it. In addition, the list server also has regex-based
rules to reject based on some common spam and virus telltales. If you
get spam through one of the OpenBSD mailing lists, you don't need to
send a copy to the list owner--chances are he's already seen it. Also,
please do not submit spam received through the mailing lists to spamcop
as this will result in the list server being added to their RBL.
Complaining about and commenting upon spam on the list proper is
counter-productive as it generates more traffic than the spam itself.

Note that if you are sending mail from a dynamic IP address you will
probably not be able to post to the mailing lists. In this case you
should use a smart host sendmail configuration that utilizes your ISP's
mail server. See the comments in /usr/share/sendmail/cf/openbsd-proto.mc
for how to do this.

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