On 2010-05-06, Schafhauser, Florian <fschafhau...@arri.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> the RAID Controller causes trouble with OpenBSD 4.5 and 4.6.

First off, for mpi(4) you want one of these patches:


> Reading and writing is quite slow. When I use I/O intensive applications like
> squid, machine dies within next 30 minutes.

Are you sure about reading being slow? That speed seems about right
for write-cache being disabled on the volume.


> Only ping requests were answered.

Assuming you are running sshd: if you telnet to port 22 on that machine,
do you get something like:

Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

(i.e. it answers the port, but no banner?)

If so, and you have a way to reliably reproduce the hang, please give
as many details as possible about what triggers it... Other people see
this hang but nobody I know of has a way to reproduce, it usually only
happens after the box has been running for a month or two.

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